Here is a pic of the vegetable gaden all filled in. Now just have to roto till in the steer manure. But pepper is doing his best to roto till but not getting far as it is still in the the bags,lol.

Well the studio is slowly coming along. We now have the insulation added and the sub floor will be added soon.

The weather here has been up and down but we have been in mode for getting things ready for Spring. we were in Costco and found these wonderful huge pots! we have seen them and kept waiting to get them. Finally we decided to just get them. we are not sure where we willput them but here is what we bought. Will post pics soon of the plants we bought too.

That Bruce is a handsome fellow! And Jeff, you are looking great! Nevada has certainly agreed with you. I worried about all this hard work you are doing, but you seem to be thriving on it.