Thursday, August 27, 2009

Class at Reno/Iowa Retreat

Once again I am teaching a mini class at the retreat given by two great artists Sherry Goshon and Jean Bernard. It is a 3 day art doll retreat held in Marshalltown Iowa. It is Sept 19021st but we start the day before by going antiquuing and spending tiome shoppping and just having fun. I have designed two eggs this year but can only reveal one since the other is a mystery egg. I will reveal the other after the retreat.

This one is called Swept Away to India. The face is one designed by Jean Bernard as his her Cassie mold. I have used sari fibers and have handmade the jasmine lilies of cold porcelain. You are seeing the front and back of the egg.

1 comment:

  1. Your egg is fantastic! I'm sure everyone will love your class.
